Office of the Selectboard
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of September 10, 2012
Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs (chaired the meeting), Bob Ells, Betty Fulton, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Others present: Henry Minasian, Bill Fulton, Frank Giner, Barbara Smith, Pat and George White, Don Pfaefflin, Scott Sanborn, Judy Lindahl, Colin Higbea, Sharon Proulx, and Beverly Ells.
Meeting called to order at 7 PM. Attendance taken by secretary.
Minutes: The Board approved the August 28, 2012 minutes as submitted. Dorothy abstained because she did not attend the meeting.
Building permits:
- The Board reviewed a building permit for Dean and Rachelle Vanier for a three-bay garage at 30 Eastman Road. This application first went before the ZBA because the applicants requested a variance to the 30-foot setback requirement from an adjoining property line. Don Pfaefflin, Building Inspector and ZBA Chair, reported that the ZBA approved the variance at a hearing on September 8, 2012. After review, the Board approved the permit.
- The Board reviewed and approved a building permit for Dave and Kathy Stacy for a prefabricated, 12 x 16-foot garden shed being delivered to their home on Tuttle Hill.
Training: The Board reviewed and approved a request from Don Pfaefflin to attend the annual NH Health Officers Association Conference.
Mileage reimbursement policy: The Board reviewed the proposed mileage policy and report of the ad hoc committee that drafted it. Judy Lindahl, a member of the committee, explained how the various components of the policy were derived. The committee recommends that mileage reimbursement be allowed for the road agent when using his own vehicle during highway work because it is more cost effective than using the larger town truck. They also felt the building inspector and health officer should be eligible for mileage reimbursement because his duties require that he travel to non-municipal localities and that he has been reimbursed for such travel for the past twenty-four years. Travel to and from town properties to perform work, such as cemeteries and the town house, are not reimbursable. The Select Board’s secretary may request mileage if the Board directs her to make a specific trip with no timeline flexibility; otherwise the secretary will perform offsite duties in a timely manner when it is convenient to combine them with personal travel. Except for the road agent, a person receiving mileage reimbursement cannot also request salary during driving time. The committee recommends that reimbursement for training mileage must first be approved by the Board. Judy suggested the Board draft a mileage reimbursement form.
Sharon Proulx spoke in favor of the committee’s recommendations and said they did a commendable job. After discussion and a word correction, Dorothy motioned to adopt the policy. Betty seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.
After discussion, the Board agreed that the road agent’s mileage from March be retroactively reimbursed. Betty suggested seeing if there are any other instances in which eligible people need to be reimbursed retroactively and asked Sandi to check. Betty suggested that all elected and appointed officials initial a copy of the policy so there is no lack of awareness about it.
The Mileage Policy and Report of the Ad Committee on Mileage Policy is available at the Select Board’s office (including by email) and will be posted at
Highway Department:
- Scott Sanborn gave an update on the roads and FEMA work. He reported that Dave Stacy has completed the masonry work on the Tuttle Hill bridge. He encouraged people to visit the site and see the outstanding job that Dave did.
- Scott stated that the DES in receipt of the wetlands permit that is necessary to initiate the FEMA work at the Burnt Hill site. He is hoping it is expedited, but that if it is not approved in a timely manner, FEMA will grant a timeline extension for the project.
- Scott has requested to take down a number of damaged, dead, or dying trees on Burnt Hill Road that he considers a hazard. Because these trees are on a designated scenic road section of Burnt Hill, permission must be granted by the Planning Board at a public hearing. These trees are marked with two red paint slashes if the public wants to see which trees he would like to remove. During tree removal, the FEMA culvert work will be done at the same time which will necessitate a temporary road closure. Scott will post the closure and it will also be posted on the Pat’s email list and on the website.
- Scott has been in contact with Fairpoint about a tree on Tuttle Hill that has fallen on the telephone wire. He has removed the section of tree that had created a road hazard and told the telephone company that they are responsible for the top of the tree hung up on the wire.
- Scott reiterated that Mike Poirer from FEMA stated that the town could pave an alternative stretch of road that is in disrepair instead of the Williams Road intersection. This would be in the area between Dick Jaeger’s and Cross Road. He will submit bids for this project for the Board to review. In this area Scott plans on doing an appropriate elevation of a section so the water drainage does not run into a wetlands area. Scott and Dorothy agreed that the permission to use the FEMA funding on an alternative site should be obtained in writing from Mike Poirer.
Sova abatement/ Bureau of Land and Tax Appeals (BLTA) Docket #25541: The Board was in receipt of a settle agreement and fact sheet on how the agreement was reached, both drafted by Cross County Appraisals. Betty stated that she met with Sam Greene from the DRA to get a better understanding of resolving the 2010 abatement disagreement between the town and Charlie Sova. She stated the Board’s preference was to resolve the matter with the Sovas instead of bringing the case before the BLTA. Following her meeting with Mr. Greene, Cross Country Appraisal met with Mr. Sova and they subsequently came to a mutual settlement agreement on the property features that were in dispute. The settlement reduced the 2010 assessment ($266,400) and 2011 assessment ($253,398) to $237,846. Including the 6% interest payable to the claimant on their overpayment, the settlement totals $956.68.
After discussion and public input, Betty motioned for the Board to approve and sign the settlement agreement and to process rebates for 2010 and 2011. Bob seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. After discussion, Betty motioned to reimburse Mr. Sova the $65 application fee to the BLTA as requested by him. Bob seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. Betty requested Sandi contact Charlie Sova and have him sign the settlement agreement and then notify the BLTA of the resolution. Sandi noted that Charlie will need to submit an updated Current Use application because there were adjustments in his non-current use acreage.
Animal Control: The Board briefly discussed the town’s lack of an animal control officer. It was affirmed that a local animal control officer would handle domestic animal concerns (such as cats and dogs) and not problems with wildlife. Non-domesticated animal issues are the jurisdiction of the NH Fish and Game Department; if there is an immediate safety issue the person should call 9-1-1. Judy Lindahl and Sharon Proulx both felt that situations involving domesticated animals were not a big issue in town. Bev Ells suggested contacting Mary Ann Guaraldi in Grafton who has overseen and cared for stray animals for many years. Bev agreed to contact Mary Ann. Pat White expressed concern about the town’s annual contract with the Upper Valley Humane Society and felt it was too unregulated; for instance, they could levy indefinite charges for strays delivered to them from Orange and they are allowed to charge the town if a resident surrendering an animal refuses to pay or is unable to pay. The Board said they will be reviewing the 2013 contract renewal later this year and will entertain public comment.
Orange Conservation Commission: Dorothy noted the following:
- Clean-up of the Standard Mine area is slated for October 6. After public input it was agreed to request the OCC to instead (or in addition to) host a cleanup at the lower Cardigan State Park parking area. Sharon and Judy both stated that a substantial amount of trash and large junk has been deposited over the drop-off behind the parking area. Dorothy will refer the request to the OCC. Scott Sanborn stated that he may be available during certain hours to assist in transporting trash with the town truck but if not, the debris may be held at the highway equipment area until he can transport it to the Canaan transfer station.
- The OCC hopes to have Ben Killian present a talk on bears sometime in November. They would like to combine it with a pot luck meal.
- The Board was in receipt of correspondence from Canaan FAST stating that the contract for EMS coverage in Orange for 2013 and 2014 will be $3,675 per year. Sandi will send a copy to Budget Committee Secretary Bob Proulx.
- Dorothy said that the state has made another $1500 electronic payment to the town from the grant to draft the Local Emergency Operations Plan. Thus far the town has received $3000 of the $5000 grant. The funds are being paid to Hubbard Consulting to draft the plan. Dorothy stated that the next LEOP meeting is September 13 at the Town House. Numerous townspeople are donating their time to help put together the plan which was a condition in the grant agreement.
- The Board reviewed a request from Concord Group Insurance for law enforcement information on a minor accident. Sandi will contact Concord Insurance and tell them to contact the state police. After reviewing the correspondence, the Board did not think the incident actually occurred in Orange.
Secretary’s report: Sandi noted the following:
- The revised estimated revenue figures have been compiled for the MS-4.
- The tax collector reported that back taxes for 2007 to 2011 have been received in the amount of $75,974.56. The tax collector also reported that all betterment assessment taxes for the Tug Mountain Road reclassification improvements have been paid.
- The forester and appraiser managing the Green Acre Woodlands (former Casperson land) visited the office. They reported that the entirety of the land has a conservation easement.
- Sandi stated that ZBA Chair Don Pfaefflin needed an updated copy of the ZBA handbook and the office also needed a copy. She said it was a 171-page website document and requested they have Gnomon print two copies instead of printing the 342 pages on the office printer. The Board concurred.
Public comment: The Board entertained public comment. Those who spoke are welcome to submit their dialogue in writing to be attached to the minutes.
Vouchers reviewed and signed.
Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Pierson
Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs Betty Fulton Robert Ells