Office of the Select Board
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of July 23, 2018
Present: Dorothy Heinrichs, Chair; Robert Ells, Tamara Fairbank, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Others present: Bev Ells, Joseph Dreier, Anita Garland, and Tom Dunkerton.
Meeting opened at 6 PM. Attendance taken by the secretary.
Minutes: The minutes of July 10, 2018 were unanimously approved.
Building permit: The Board reviewed and approved a building permit for Doug Weekes/260 Tug Mountain Road for a 14 x 19-foot implement shed. The permit was already signed by the building inspector.
Letter of appreciation: The Board signed a letter of appreciation to Nancy Quilty for the time she served on the Trustees of the Trust Funds.
Trash: Dorothy stated that a resident asked if the town could pay a contractor for a large trash pick-up event. After discussion, the Board agreed that the Canaan’s transfer station’s capacity for the disposal of sizeable items was adequate and that people can dispose of large items at the Lebanon disposal site, the latter for a fee.
Intent to Cut: Dorothy noted that following the last Board meeting, an Intent to Cut was individually signed by Board members for Dale and Kathryn Eastman/85 Eastman Road, Map 1, Lots 7 & 8. Logger is Steve Johnston.
- The Board received a letter from Norwich University President Richard Schneider thanking them for their letter of commendation for Cadet Benjamin Sheilds. Benjamin participated in the dedication of a Civil War soldier monument on July 4th at French Cemetery.
- The Board was in receipt of an invoice from Gardener, Fulton and Waugh. (Paid for out of the retainer.)
Secretary’s Report:
- Skip has installed a demo light in the office as a replacement for the fluorescent fixtures. The Board agreed that he could proceed with the rest of the replacements.
Reports from other Boards and Committees:
Cemetery: The Board discussed with Cemetery Trustee Anita Garland and Tom Dunkerton the removal of two trees from the Church Cemetery property. Tom Dunkerton stated that a multi-trunk maple has become a hazard and that he will need a man-lift to remove it, which can be rented at $425 for a day. Because the property abutter, Tam Fairbank, is having Tom remove some trees from her own property, she said she would pay 50% of the man-lift rental cost. The total cost for tree removal on town property, including half the rental, would be $750.00. After discussion, the Board approved the work at that cost. Tom agreed to coordinate the man-lift rental with Skip for the purpose of installing the flagpole lighting.
Public comment: n/a
Bills and vouchers were reviewed and signed.
The Board welcomed our new seasonal resident, Joe Drieir, who has purchased property in town with his wife and three children.
Meeting adjourned 6:25 PM.
Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs
Robert Ells
Tamara Fairbank