Office of the Selectboard

Town of Orange, New Hampshire

Minutes of May 8, 2012



Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs (chaired the meeting), Betty Fulton, Linda Giner, and Sandi Pierson (clerical). 

 Others present: Barbara Smith, Don Pfaefflin, Brent Stevens, Paul Hatch, Priscilla Baravalle, Henry Minasian, Frank Giner, and Bill Fulton.

 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Attendance taken by the secretary. 

 Minutes: The minutes of April 24, 2012 were unanimously approved as submitted.

 Solid Waste: Casella area manager Todd Gammell met with the board to discuss trash pick-up. Todd applauded the town on its 75% residential rate of recycling. Todd stated that in the future he would like the town to consider going to a two-bin system, one bin for recyclables and one for trash. The bins would be mechanically emptied with the trash collection vehicle and not by the driver. It would be the town’s choice to adopt this method of trash disposal. The Board and members of the audience expressed concern with managing the weight and maneuverability of the receptacles.  Concerns brought to the board were a low telephone wire on New Colony, a slippery section of road in the winter, nuisance dogs, and residents attempting to dispose of electronics (which is not allowed in regular trash). Dorothy will follow up with Fairpoint about the phone wire. The Board will refer the road issue to the road agent. Answering a question from Henry Minasian, Todd stated that on the July 20 large trash pick-up, they will not accept tires, electronic equipment, and appliances containing Freon. 

 Training: After discussion, Betty motioned to approve a training request for Health Officer Don Pfaefflin to attend the NH Health Officers’ Association Conference.  Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.

 Current Use: The board reviewed a current use application submitted by Micahel Figliolia/Map 8, Lot 1/Burnt Hill Road. This application was deemed incomplete at the April 9 meeting and returned to the applicant. After affirming that all criteria had been met, Betty motioned to approved and sign the current use application. Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.

 Animal Control Officer: After discussion, it was agreed Sandi would invite the Animal Control Officer of Dorchester, Cookie Hebert, to talk with the Board about her job description and experiences.

 School payment: The Board reviewed documentation signifying that the seven school payments from October 2011 through April 2012 were underpaid by $8,155.22 each month. This was due to an error in the SAU’s communication with the town. They notified the town in a November 27, 2011 form letter that the monthly payments were $33,133.25 when in fact they were $41,288.47 as stated in a previous letter from them dated October 31, 2011. In an email to the town, the SAU business manager “apologized for the confusion.” The board approved a voucher to the school district for $57,086.54 to settle the balance due.

Internet accessibility: The board continued their discussion about using wireless internet to connect the upstairs computers to the internet. They reviewed Scott Sanborn’s email that suggested the purchase of a router and suitable USB wireless cards for the computers at a total cost between $105 to $125. The USB cards plug into the computer and allow for wireless internet access. Henry said using a CAT 5 cable instead of the wireless plug-ins would allow for higher speed access. He said there is already one cable in place and the town would need to get one 30-foot cable. Linda will see if the bank has an unused one in surplus. Betty will refer the suggestion to Scott. Subsequently, Scott will direct Sandi what supplies to pick up at Staples in order to put the computers online. Henry added that they would also need to purchase a shared parallel interface cable so both computers can access the printer.

Document Retention: Dorothy compiled information to be sent to all relevant town officers regarding their document retention. She is expecting them to respond with what records they have, where they are being stored, and what is needed to be in compliance with state statutes.

Mileage policy: The board continued their discussion on the necessity of a formal mileage reimbursement policy for officers and employees using their vehicles to conduct town business. They agreed that they would prefer input from the townspeople instead of only drafting a policy between themselves. Henry suggested having a public hearing. After discussion, the board agreed to appoint a five-person committee to come up with a mileage policy and bring it before the board. Any policy considered will first be reviewed by the town’s attorney.

 Emergency generator: Brent Stevens requested permission from the board to obtain three bids for an emergency generator and installation for the town house. He said he can get the information from Dorchester Selectman Arthur Burdette who has overseen the installation of a two municipal generators. Brent expects the cost of the generator and installation to be through a grant from Homeland Security. The consensus of the board was for Brent to proceed with the process. The generator will be powered by propane.

 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): Brent stated that he, Frank Giner, Don Pfaefflin and Homeland Security Field Representative Paul Hatch have met twice in regards to drafting an Emergency Operations Plan for Orange. Paul Hatch submitted the $5000 grant application to the Select Board to review and sign. Paul stated that the town will receive the grant money and subsequently pay the contractor who drafts the EOP. Paul explained the concept of “soft matching of funding” by the town which is done by the hours that are spent by local personnel in attendance and other work. After review, Linda motioned for the Board to accept and sign the grant application. Betty seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. The Select Board signed the application and it was notarized by Priscilla Baravalle. The application will now go before the governor’s council for approval.

 Brent suggested the board members consider taking the NIMS 100, 200, and 700 online courses.

Corrective deed: The board reviewed a Corrective Deed and Release as prepared by Attorney Bernie Waugh.  This deed nullifies an unfounded tax collector’s deed recorded on June 20, 1987.  After reviewing documentation, the attorney had earlier confirmed that this four acre parcel of land did not exist. Linda motioned for the board to sign the Corrective Deed. Betty seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.

 Orange Conservation Commission:

  •  Dorothy reported that there was a great turnout at Mica Madness, an event sponsored by the OCC. Twenty-seven people attended a tour of the Standard Mine. In attendance was Gordon Jackson, owner of the Standard Mine and  president of the Capital Mineral Club.
  •  Dorothy reported that participants to the above event also picked up trash from the mine site. The OCC plans on returning at some point to pick up the remainder of the trash.
  •  Dorothy stated that from January 1 to April 30, 23.92 tons of residential trash have been picked up by Northeast Waste and 9.29 tons of recyclables.

 FEMA: Linda stated that both FEMA reimbursements from Tropical Storm Irene have been electronically deposited to the town account. The treasurer has set up an account for these funds separate from the town’s general fund.

 Resignation: Linda Giner read a letter of her resignation from the Select Board effective after the June 26, 2012 meeting. She stated that she and Frank are starting a new journey in their lives, one that will require a lot of planning and time. She thanked the residents of Orange for the faith they placed in her during her thirteen years as town treasurer and the past two years as a Select Board member. Linda expressed her hope that Orange will continue to provide a good place for people to live and raise a family and to keep in mind that change is inevitable and that it is how change occurs that is crucial for the growth and sustainability of the town. 

Public comment: 

  •  Barbara Smith asked that if anyone is aware of a low or moderate income family, to let them know about the property tax relief program sponsored by the DRA. Individuals earning $20,000 or less annually ($40,000 for couples) are eligible. Filing period is from May 1 to June 30.  Sandi said she has access to the application forms on the DRA website and will print them out for anyone needing them.
  •  Frank asked why the town truck was not being used for specific road tasks such as cleaning ditches. He said it would be more cost effective. Betty said that she would rather have Scott Sanborn answer the question.

 Meeting date change: Dorothy said she would not be available to attend the June 12, 2012 board meeting and asked if they could meet on Monday, June 11. Linda and Betty said they were fine with meeting on June 11. Sandi will post the meeting date change.

 Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM

 Respectfully submitted,

 Sandi Pierson


(Signed) Linda Giner  Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs  Betty Fulton