Office of the Select Board
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of May 14, 2013
Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs (chaired the meeting), Betty Fulton, Bob Ells, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Meeting opened at 6:30 PM.
Nonpublic session: Betty motioned to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91A-3:II-c. Bob seconded. Unanimous in favor.
Reconvened at pubic meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendance taken: Pat and George White, Henry and Jeanne Minasian, Mike Sampson, Pat Mercer, Paul Hatch, Brent Stevens, Scott Sanborn, and Priscilla Baravalle.
Betty Fulton motioned to come out of nonpublic session and to seal the minutes. Bob Ells seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.
Minutes: The minutes of April 23, 2013 were unanimously approved as submitted.
Emergency Generator: The Board reviewed the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Department of Safety/Homeland Security/Emergency Management for a $3750.00 matching grant for an emergency generator for the Town House. The town’s portion will come out of the Town House Capital Reserve Fund. After review and discussion, Bob Ells motioned for the Board to accept the grant; Betty Fulton seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. Priscilla Baravalle notarized the Board’s signature on the documents. The Board thanked Priscilla for attending the meeting and Paul Hatch and Brent Stevens for their efforts on behalf of the grant.
Highway Department: Scott Sanborn updated the Board on the current road maintenance.
- Spring grading and raking on gravel roads is complete. They are now cleaning ditches and addressing culvert issues. Later in the summer embankment issues on Burnt Hill and Cross Road will be addressed.
- Scott said the water flow is currently low enough to complete the Burnt Hill FEMA project. Richard Remacle Construction will do the project.
- Paving by Blaktop is slated to begin on Tuttle Hill in the vicinity of the Jaeger residence on June 1st. Scott has begun gravel preparation work. This being funded by FEMA money. Because the projects are not yet complete, at this time there is no paperwork to be filed with FEMA. When the FEMA documentation is complete, Scott will forward copies to Emergency Management Director Brent Stevens.
- The issue of water drainage around the Town House was discussed. It was noted that during heavy rains, such as Tropical Storms Irene and Sandy, surface water has seeped into the downstairs office. Ground water levels are not an issue. Scott gave a summary of work that could be done in order to manage drainage such as removing a bit more of the embankment, creating a deeper ditch line, and utilizing trap rocks. There is also a crack in the foundation that should be sealed. The Board acknowledged that the Town House Capital Reserve could not fund the drainage project because it is funding the town’s portion of the emergency generator grant. Scott stated that perhaps a provisional drainage system could be done until funding is available. He agreed that if there is any FEMA money left, it could be used for the drainage project.
- Scott recommended people use calcium chloride on gravel roads fronting their homes in order to keep down the dust.
Tax Collector:
- Deputy Tax Collector: The Board unanimously approved appointing Patricia White to the office of Deputy Tax Collector as recommended by Sharon Proulx. The office has been vacant for some time.
- Prepayment of Taxes: The Board reviewed a request from the tax collector to adopt a policy for the acceptance of tax prepayments pursuant to RSA 80:52-a. After discussion the Board unanimously approved and signed a policy that allows taxpayers to prepay taxes no more than two years in advance of the due date of the taxes and that no interest shall accrue to the taxpayer on any prepayment nor shall any interest be paid to the taxpayer on any prepayment which is later subject to rebate of refund.
Request for Training: Jeanne Minasian, a Trustee of the Trust Funds, requested to attend a half-day seminar on trust fund administration and statutory filing requirements hosted by the Office of the Attorney General. The Board unanimously approved the request including mileage and a half-day stipend. Jeanne has encouraged the other Trustees to attend applicable training when available.
Police Records: There was a brief discussion about police records that were in the possession of former police chief Andy Ware and now remains at his former residence. The building has been vacant, is not assessable due to being dilapidated, and no longer belongs to the Ware family. Betty stated that these records are the possession of Andy Ware and they are his to keep. Betty said that a police department and the town are two separate entities and noted that Andy would need the records if he was ever called to testify in a court case. George White felt the records should have been turned over to the Attorney General at the time of Andy’s dismissal from the town.
- Trash/recycling report from Northeast Waste: In April 6.36 tons of trash were picked up and 2.59 tons of recyclables. Year to date total is 23.88 tons of trash and 10.76 tons of recyclables.
- A letter of appreciation was received from CASA for Orange’s 2013 contribution of $500.00. CASA is an independent agency that advocates for children placed in state foster care and currently provides 80% of them with Guardian Ad Litems.
- A notice was received from the State that a Block Grant payment of $5,799.47 was electronically deposited into the town’s account on April 1, 2013.
Secretary’s report: Sandi noted the following items:
- A representative from Servpro has been to the office and agreed that the office cleaning their workers did was incomplete and of poor quality. The Serpro representative said he would like the Board to allow the workers to return and do the job as contracted. After discussion, the Board agreed that Servpro must first affirm that a second visit will include stripping and waxing the floor if other cleaning methods will not remove stains, furniture must be moved to access cleaning underneath it, the closet will be thoroughly cleaned, and all other unclean surfaces are addressed.
- The Board unanimously agreed that inventory forms not returned before April 15 are subject to the established penalties as specified under RSA 74:7-a.
- A resident that lost their home to fire on April 3, 2013 has come into the office to file a request to have their 2013 property taxes prorated per RSA 76:21 which states that for property taxation purposes the town prorates the tax on a structure that is damaged by fire or natural disaster and causes the building not to be used as intended.
- There is a significant trash problem at the former Tug Mountain turn-around where residents bring their trash bags to containers placed there by Northeast Waste. Rubbish is scattered on the ground and in the adjacent woods. Dorothy stated that the bins are for winter use only and should have been removed by now and the truck should be picking up curbside trash up to the new turn-around. Dorothy will follow up with Northeast Waste. She will also contact Anita Garland to see if there is a high school scholarship candidate that will clean the area.
Regional Health Care: Canaan Town Administrator Mike Sampson spoke about a local initiative to address the health insurance and health care cost for the Mascoma Valley. He has been attempting to organize all town and school employers in the Upper Valley to open a dialog with DHMC and Alice Peck Day hospitals and primary care providers to look for ways to hold down future increases in costs. Mike said they are focusing on primary care, dental care, affordability, personal and comprehensive service, cost effectiveness, and full coverage for all. The five Mascoma towns are invited to a meeting to discuss what we would like to see for a health care system. The meeting is on May 21, 2013, 7-9 PM, at the Canaan Meeting House (across from Canaan Street Lake).
Vouchers were signed.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Pierson