Office of the Select Board
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of March 13, 2018
Present: Dorothy Heinrichs, Chair; Robert Ells, Skip Smith, and Sandi Pierson (clerical)
Others present: Bob and Sharon Proulx, Billie Brockum, Terrence McQueeny, and Trish and Doug Weekes.
Meeting opened at 10 AM. Attendance taken by the secretary.
Minutes: The minutes of February 26, 2018 were unanimously approved.
Building permit: Billie Brockum and Terrence McQueeny/123 Tug Mountain Road/Map 3, Lot 13. The permit had been reviewed and signed by the building inspector. The Board agreed that the building permit itself is satisfactory but that a driveway permit for the property is not on file. Billie stated they have met with the road agent regarding a driveway permit but they have not followed up because they contend they have documentation that establishes that it has been used as an access in the past, thus they feel they are exempt from the regulation. The applicants feel the access is grandfathered and that the town is going beyond what is legally required. Skip felt they should table signing the building permit until they get the road agent’s estimation. After discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to table the permit until the March 27th board meeting and to ask Road Agent Scott Sanborn to attend the meeting. They will also research the question of what constitutes “grandfathered land use” in relation to driveways.
Secretary’s report:
The tax collector has ordered a new computer as discussed at previous board meetings.
Junkyard licenses expire on July 1st of each year per RSA 236:121. The Board agreed that when Warren Morrill renews his junkyard license at the end of the month, they will renew it with an expiration date of July 1, 2019.
Reports from other Boards and Committees: n/a
Public comment: n/a
Bills and vouchers were reviewed and signed.
Meeting adjourned 10:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Pierson
_________________________ _______________________ ________________________
Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs Robert Ells Tamara Fairbank