Office of the Selectboard
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of January 24, 2012
Present: Henry Minasian, Chair; Linda Giner, Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Others present: Budget Committee members Skip Smith, Tim Connelly, and Bob Proulx. Others present were Pat Mercer, George and Pat White, Anita Garland, Gloria Stevens, Colin Higbea, Bill Fulton, Stuart and Barbara Smith, Beth DeFrancisco, Jenna McAllister, and Dave Como.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Attendance taken by the secretary.
The primary purpose of tonight’s meeting was for the Select Board to discuss and draft their 2012 operating budget recommendations. Warrant articles will be reviewed at the February 14, 2012 meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of January 11, 2012 were unanimously approved as submitted.
Chair’s opening comments: Henry thanked those present for attending the meeting. He affirmed that public comment is welcomed during the discussion of each budget category. Copies of the 2011 budget tracking (by category) were distributed. After comments from Bob Proulx, the Select Board acknowledged that there were a number of 2011 expenses inadvertently entered into the wrong category.
After discussion, the Select Board made the following 2012 budget recommendations:
- Salaries: $18,500. It was noted that the town clerk’s fees are set by the DRA.
- Elections: $2400. This is a substantial increase from 2011 because four elections are scheduled for 2012.
- Financial Administration (Registry of Deeds): $300. This is a new category per the DRA. The $266 spent in 2011 was listed under Officer’s Expenses.
- Revaluation of Property: $2500.
- Legal Expense: $5000. Attorney Waugh is increasing his retainer fee to $5000.
- Personnel Administration (FICA): $3000.
- Planning and Zoning: $500. Bob Proulx noted that although it appears this category was overspent in 2011, the Planning Board collected $421.88 in fees and the 2011 expenditures actually totaled about $80.00.
- Conservation Commission: $500.
- General Government Buildings: $6800.
- Cemeteries: $2000. Cemetery Trustee Anita Watson stated she would be getting an estimate on gravestone repair and will forward that information to the Budget Committee.
- Insurance: $3500.
- Memberships: $1200.
- Town Officers’ Expenses: $5500.
- Police: $1.00. The Board agreed with Pat White and Bill Fulton that even though there is not a current need for a police budget, putting a dollar into it keeps the category “open” for future consideration.
- Ambulance (Canaan FAST): $3500. Dorothy will contact Canaan FAST to confirm the invoice amount they will be sending to the town.
- Fire (Canaan Fire Department): $10,984. Dorothy will contact the Canaan Fire Department to confirm the invoice amount they will be sending to the town.
- Building Inspection: $1000.
- Emergency Management (E-911): $300. Even though there were no expenditures made out of this category in 2011, the Board level funded it.
- Highway (summer and winter): $110,000. The Board recommended a 10% increase over the 2011 $100,000 budget due to increases in fuel costs and contractor contract increases. George White suggested increasing the budget by 3% over 2011 which reflects the actual increase of labor rates in Remacle’s contract.
- Solid Waste: $29,000. Dorothy noted that the 2011 recycling efforts have been successful. Pat Mercer requested that Dorothy prepare a comparison of tonnage of trash pick-up of 2010 and 2011. Dorothy agreed to do so.
- Health Agencies: $3800.
- Welfare: $3000. It was noted that this budget is influenced by the state statutes mandating the responsibility of town welfare. Welfare Director Pat Mercer noted that when the state cuts down or eliminates their assistance, it becomes the responsibility of the town.
- Library: $4000. Henry stated that the Board had reduced this contribution to $2000 in 2011 because in December they were within 4% of their general operating budget. He said the Board regretted that they felt they had to do this and plan on contributing the full $4000 to the Canaan Library in 2012. Dorothy also stated she now regrets the Board’s decision. A number of people in the audience spoke in opposition of the decision to reduce the 2011 contribution to $2000. Sharon Proulx stated that when the Board paid their final 2011 bills in early January and saw that they had a sufficient surplus, they should have then paid the remaining $2000 contribution.
- Town House Capital Outlay: $4500. Computer assessment software (Avitar’s program) is the sole expense in this category.
- Culture and Recreation: $350. It was noted that Christmas Party and other culture/recreational expenses should be listed in this category.
- Timber Harvest Monitor: $400. This category is rarely spent from. A member of the Orange Conservation Commission has made himself available should the need occur. By doing an onsite assessment, a monitor will compare what was actually harvested to what is listed on the Intent To Cut, should there be an inquiry.
Bob Proulx brought to the attention of the Board that none of the 2010 voter-approved appropriations to the capital reserves were deposited into their accounts. These totaled $5500. The Board agreed this was an oversight and that they will contact the DRA the following day to see if this can be remedied. [Clerk’s note: this has since been resolved by the Board and all 2010 voter-approved appropriations have been placed into their respective capital reserve accounts.]
After discussion and input, Linda motioned that all contributions approved at town meeting (e.g., library, health agencies, capital reserves) will be paid by the town at the first Select Board meeting following the town meeting. Dorothy seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.
Public comment:
- Pat Mercer suggested the Board consider installing emergency lighting in the town house in case of a power outage.
- Dave Como asked the Board to consider the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). He submitted information about AEDs to the Board which included a NH-EMS charge of $735 for a model having a list price of $1,400.00. Pat Mercer suggested seeking grant possibilities of acquiring an AED.
- Pat Mercer stated she had contacted Paul Sanderson of the Local Government Center and added that she feels the pay system that the Board earlier approved involving W-2s and 1099s is “highly illegal.”
- Pat Mercer asked if the Board was going to sign a voucher for her welfare director hours that she had submitted. Henry stated that the Board would first like to discuss them with her before doing so.
- Bob Proulx voiced his opinion that there is unnecessary discontent between the Select Board and Pat Mercer in her capacity at welfare director and cemetery trustee.
Vouchers were reviewed and signed.
Meeting adjourned: 9:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Pierson
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Henry Minasian, Chair Linda Giner Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs