Office of the Selectboard
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of December 26, 2012
Present: Betty Fulton (chaired the meeting), Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, Bob Ells, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Others present: Michael Scala, Barbara Smith, George and Pat White, Sophie Seace, and Beverly Ells.
Meeting called to order at 7 PM. Attendance taken by secretary.
Minutes: The Board approved the December 11, 2012 minutes as submitted. Dorothy abstained from voting because she did not attend the meeting.
Informational: Michael Scala attended the meeting on behalf of Senator Kelly Ayotte. He stated that Senator Ayotte was on the budget committee and is focusing on defense and Social Security funding issues. He said the federal government has not had a budget in three years and is borrowing a trillion dollars per year from China. Answering a question from Dorothy about gun laws, including the 40% gun show loophole (regarding background checks), Mr. Scala answered that Senator Ayotte had made a statement about the current gun laws and that they needed to be reviewed as does the mental health issue. The existing industrial wind farm and the proposed two new ones in the Newfound area were discussed. Sandi asked that if the wind farm companies needed government subsidies to get them built then how will they fund decommissioning them. Mr. Scala said he did not know and he also did not know how Senator Ayotte felt about HB 391 that would put a moratorium on wind farms in New Hampshire until more studies are done.
2013 Pick-ups: The Board reviewed the 2013 contract from Cross Country Appraisals to do the 2013 pick-ups and any other assessment work the Board deems necessary. Cross County has done the pick-ups for two years in Orange. The 2013 contract is a duplicate of the 2012 contract including the same rates. After discussion, Dorothy motioned to approve the 2013 Cross Country contract. Bob seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. The Board signed the contract. Betty asked that Sandi not return the contract to them until we have received a copy of their Certificate of Liability Insurance.
Abatement: The Board signed a tax abatement for $462.12 for Mount Cardigan State Forest (New Hampshire Department of Revenue and Economic Development) for property recently transferred to them by Norco. This was approved at the last meeting. Sandi said she contacted the DRA to see if there was any paperwork to be filed regarding the property’s permanent tax exempt status. The DRA replied that any property owned by the state is automatically tax exempt and there is no paperwork. Sandi will contact Avitar to ensure the tax exempt status is entered correctly into the assessing software.
Treasurer: After discussion, Betty motioned to approve and sign the Delegation of Deposit Authority for the treasurer. Dorothy seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. This is a statutorily required document of which the treasurer permits the tax collector, town clerk, and Selectmen’s office to make deposits into the town’s account on her behalf. After discussion, Bob motioned to approved and sign the town’s Municipal Investment Policy. This was recommended by the town’s auditors because it is a statutory requirement regardless if the town does not actually invest money.
Hazardous Waste: The Board revisited correspondence from the Upper Valley-Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission inviting Orange to become a participating town in their Hazardous Waste pick-up program. The town would pay $45 to $60 per household depending on what waste is brought in. Per the Board’s request, Pat White had sent out an inquiry to her residential email list asking if there was any interest. Pat said that five people responded and said that they may use the service if it was not too expensive for the town. Pat reported that if Orange is a nonparticipating town, residents may still use the hazardous waste site service but they would have to pay out-of-pocket. She said resident are also eligible to purchase a “ticket” from Lebanon to dispose of hazardous waste at their West Lebanon facility. Dorothy suggested the Orange Conservation Commission gather information regarding what places are available to the public to dispose of waste not appropriate for the regular roadside trash pick-up. This information could be passed on to the residents either by way of the town report or the annual informational directory. After discussion, the Board agreed not to become a participating town in the UVLSRPC’s hazardous waste pick-up program and to have the Orange Conservation Commission work on an information sheet.
- A Certificate of Liability Insurance was received for the Mount Cardigan Snowmobile Club. (This club does not use municipal roads in Orange.) Sandi will contact Bernie Waugh to set a date for his informational visit.
- The Board was in receipt of the NH Municipal Association’s policy positions booklet.
- The NHMA 2012 Wage, Salary, and Benefit Survey for Municipalities has been received electronically at no charge.
- A certified notice was received from the Danbury Planning Board stating there was a hearing on January 8 2013 regarding Ragged Mountain ski area improvements.
- The Board was in receipt of a letter from the Local Government Center introducing the new Health and Safety Advisor, Carl Wagner. Sandi will forward a copy to Don Pfaefflin.
- Notes of thanks: The Board expressed appreciation for the following residents who assisted with the Local Emergency Operations Plan: Henry Minasian, Frank Giner, Pat Mercer, Judith Lindahl, Dorothy Heinrichs, Bob Ells, Don Pfaefflin, and Brent Stevens. The $5000 state funding for the project was made possible due to the volunteer hours put in by these individuals. The Board thanked Pat Mercer for the holiday wreath she made for the town house.
Secretary’s report: Sandi reported that Tessa requested a voucher to cover the TAN interest. Sandi said that in the past this expense was not paid through the Selectboard voucher system nor is it included in the general operating budget. Dorothy will check with Henry or Linda to see what procedure has been used in the past.
Town clerk: Sophie said she was moving her computer into the town clerk’s office and requested to purchase a USB-driven Wi-Fi unit for internet access. The Board approved the expenditure up to $125.00.
Sophie said that instead of taking registrations “by appointment” for people that can’t come to the town house on her regularly scheduled hours, she would like to have the deputy town clerk have office hours one morning per week for two hours. Sophie said that at present Pat White is coming in to do registrations four or five time per week at people’s request and each appointment takes a two hour minimum. With the new schedule, if people can’t make the evening or Saturday hours, they will have to come the morning that Pat is here and registrations, etc. will not be done randomly “by appointment.” After discussion, the Board agreed to try the new schedule for six months.
Public comment: The Board entertained public comment. Those who spoke are welcome to submit their dialogue in writing to be attached to the minutes.
Vouchers reviewed and signed. Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted, Sandi Pierson
Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs Betty Fulton Robert Ells