Office of the Selectboard
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of November 13, 2012
Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, Betty Fulton, Bob Ells, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).
Others present: Barbara Smith, Pat and George White, Bill Fulton, Anita Garland, and Scott Sanborn.
Meeting called to order at 7 PM. Attendance taken by secretary.
Minutes: The Board approved the October 23, 2012 minutes as submitted.
Elections: Dorothy thanked all the election personnel who worked at the November 6 elections. She said that after voting the power went out and the ballots were counted by candlelight.
Answering machine: The Board discusses the purchase of an answering machine for the 7054 line. One of the issues with this is it would interfere with the fax machine which functions under the same phone line. Pat White said an answering machine would be more for the convenience of the town clerk and emergency management and that it may be feasible for the Board to consider a separate phone line for the town clerk’s office. Presently the town clerk’s office and the Select Board’s office share the same line. Dorothy will follow up with Brent Stevens and Sophie Seace and also see what an extra line would cost.
Highway Department: Road Agent Scott Sanborn reported the following:
- Paving projects will be done in the spring which will result in a better quality job. This extension has been approved by Mike Poirier.
- The Burnt Hill project has been given an extension until the end of 2013 by FEMA because we currently do not have the “low flow” water conditions to do the job.
- FEMA has deemed the Williams Road/Tuttle Hill intersection complete except for some minor shoulder work.
- Sander: Scott said the existing sander has sat idle in the weather for a number of years and it is not financially feasible to refurbish it. He requested permission to purchase a new sander for $5,065, that amount to come out of the 2012 highway operating budget. Dorothy and Bob spoke in favor of Scott purchasing the sander. Betty felt that it was a capital expenditure that should be brought before the voters at town meeting. Scott felt that it could be covered by the highway budget which states that his appropriation is for “maintenance, supplies, and equipment.” After discussion, it was agreed to check with the DRA to see if the purchase of a sander is within the scope of the highway operating budget or if it is something that has to be voted on by the townspeople.
- Scott reported that the trees slated for removal on Burnt Hill have been cut down.
- Scott stated that the trash from the lower Cardigan State Park parking lot that was brought to the equipment lot has been taken to the Canaan transfer station. The state paid for its disposal.
- Scott stated there was minimal impact on the roads from Hurricane Sandy.
- Scott provided the state with the updates on the reclassification of roads at the last town meeting.
Investment policy: Dorothy stated the Board should follow up with the town auditors’ suggestion that the town should have a municipal investment policy. Bob will follow up with Auditor Catherine Ells.
2012 Tax rate: Dorothy stated that the DRA is in receipt of all documentation that is needed to set the tax rate. The Board expects to have a teleconference with Shelley Gerlaneau by the end of the week or early the following week to set the tax rate.
Warrant for the collection of yield taxes: The Board signed a timber tax warrant for $3,902.92. The tax collector will bill Edith Kim Sova Irrevocable Trust the amount of $321.01 and Rosemary Haness/Sal Guadagnino the amount of $3,581.91 for their respective timber harvesting.
Excavation Tax: The Board reviewed correspondence from the DRA stating that it is a statutory requirement to levy gravel taxes at $0.02 per cubic yard if the pit excavates over 1000 cubic yards per year. It was also noted by the DRA that the Board can abate the taxes for good cause. A number of attendees felt that the $127.96 gravel tax that would be levied against Bobby Senter’s pit should be abated because he allows the town to store gravel at his pit, it is always open for the town’s access, and Bobby is regularly helpful to the town. After discussion, Bob motioned to abate the $127.96 gravel taxes that will be levied against Senter’s pit. Dorothy seconded. Bob and Dorothy voted in favor. Betty abstained. Motion passed. The Board will sign both the gravel tax warrant and abatement at the next meeting.
Reclassification of roads: Dorothy stated that the municipal acceptance process of the reclassified sections of Tug Mountain Road and Peaslee Road are incomplete. Pat White stated that both the Planning Board and Select Board have to review the improvements for completion. She said the Select Board votes to approve the completion and the documentation is forwarded to the town clerk’s office who subsequently sends it to Haverhill to be recorded. Bob will follow up with the Planning Board at their next meeting
Cemeteries: Cemetery Trustee Anita Watson submitted a bill from Valley Monuments for work done on the Barnard lot. She said that it was her understanding that the Trustees of the Trust Funds had already approved the expenditure and was going to transfer the funds to the treasurer so the bill could be paid. She expressed her concern that the company may charge interest if the Board waited until the next meeting to process a voucher. The Board processed a voucher and asked Sandi to tell the treasurer to process the check as soon as the funds are received from the Trustees of the Trust Funds.
Secretary’s report: Sandi noted the following:
- The town clerk received a check from the state for the maintenance of the voter checklist of which Sophie gave to the treasurer to deposit in the town’s account. Sophie requested the Select Board apportion it to five parties who shared in the task. Sandi said she was unsure what category to put the five vouchers in on the vouchers because it was unanticipated revenue and unanticipated expenditures (not part of the operating budget). Since the check was payable to the town clerk, Betty felt strongly that Sophie should have cashed the check herself and distributed it how she saw fit. She said the payment had nothing to do with the town’s budget or the Select Board’s voucher system and did not belong there.
- The Board must review the secretary’s data input on the DRA’s web-based Mosaic Equalization System and sign a certificate that the information is correct to the best of their knowledge. The data consist of approximately six municipal property transfers and is used by the DRA to conduct sales assessment ratio studies. Sam Greene from the DRA had visited the office to instruct Sandi how to enter the data.
Trash report: To date during 2012 Northeast Waste has picked up 76.10 tons of trash (including large trash pick-up) and 29.68 tons of recyclables.
- The October 2012 Block Grant payment was received by the state for $8,770.54.
- The Board thanked George White for installing the new exterior, nonskid carpet on the handicap access ramp.
- The Board reviewed information on the 2012/2013 fuel assistance program. Sandi will post the information.
- Anita asked if there has been a discussion about junk cars on people’s property. Bob will refer this to the Planning Board and report back.
- Bob reported that the proposed extension of the trash route up Williams Road would only be two-tenths of a mile to the Kuhn residence because the Rose family would prefer to bring their trash to a designated pick-up point. The Board did not feel that the extra two-tenths of a mile merited the $75 increase originally estimated to drive to the end of Williams Road. Dorothy to follow up.
- The Board signed a letter to the Superintendent of the Mascoma SAU requesting an updated school payment schedule. Sandi has called the business manager of the SAU a number of times without success.
- The Board signed a copy of the timber tax rates as approved at the October 23, 2012 meeting.
Public comment: The Board entertained public comment. Those who spoke are welcome to submit their dialogue in writing to be attached to the minutes.
Vouchers reviewed and signed.
Meeting adjourned 8:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Pierson
Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs Betty Fulton Robert Ells